Providing life-saving assistance in emergencies 

IOM Burundi directly provides and promotes appropriate shelter, non-food items (NFI) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) interventions, such as drinking water treatment, latrine design/construction, and hygiene promotion. IOM co-leads the inter-agency shelter sector and supports the Government of the Republic of Burundi to coordinate humanitarian assistance on shelter and NFI. It is also a key member of the Cash Transfer technical working group, and a key participant in the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management coordination mechanism, led by the Ministry of Public Security. IOM Burundi also complements this response through camp coordination and camp management activities on internal displacement sites. In addition to their emergency response efforts, IOM Burundi also focuses on providing durable solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and host communities. They address the long-term needs of these populations by constructing semi-permanent shelters and empowering communities through capacity-building initiatives.